Consulting for implementation of selective waste collection in Municipalities

Consulting for implementation of selective waste collection in Municipalities

The national solid waste policy – PNRS (Law No. 12,305/2010) implies a paradigm shift so that Governments and society focus efforts on solid waste management.

The solution to the waste requires the development of a solid waste collection system of previously segregated waste.

The law distinguishes solid waste, which is waste without technical or economic feasibility for reuse or recycling.

In a nut shell, only the waste must receive adequate environmental disposal in landfills.

To this end, separate collection, segregation of waste at source, is a fundamental instrument to minimize the waste and promote the most grounded reuse and recycling.

According to the legislation, primarily the municipalities must include the participation of cooperatives or other forms of Association of reusable and recyclable materials collectors formed by individuals from low-income families.

Once all municipalities must deploy environmentally appropriate disposal of waste and promote maximum reuse and recycling of waste, Master Ambiental recommends separate collection model that encourages the segregation of household waste in three typologies: organic, recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste.

rejeito reciclável orgânico

In this way, composting is environmentally suitable for disposal of organic waste.

The safe final disposal would be so only to the smallest fraction of waste generated, which would diminish the environmental impact and increase the useful life of landfills.

Despite the selective collection promote significant environmental benefits; social, economic and public health, there are many challenges to be overcome, such as structural deficiencies and the absence of a culture of separation of waste management. Only 17% of Brazilian municipalities operate waste collection systems (CEMPRE, 2014).

Master Ambiental has experience in providing Environmental Consulting, planning and support for small and medium-sized municipalities in the implementation of their systems of selective collection according to the national solid waste policy. Successful experiences in the municipalities of Paraná de Mauá da Serra, São Pedro de Alcântara and Ibiaiti, demonstrate the viability of the model established by legislation.

In conjunction with several departments of the municipal administration and to promote the participation of society, the consultancy for the implementation of municipal waste collection implies a process, in which are defined strategies for a model which takes into account the diversity and specific characteristics of each municipality, working technical, educational and legal aspects for a selective collection suitable for PNRS, in addition to performing an operational diagnosis and monitoring of the results of separate collection.

The implementation of selective collection involves the whole city in a change of habits. While essential public service, within their competence, shall be borne by the administrations of the Municipality promotes these changes and perpetuates the results obtained.

The Environmental Master has a team ready to formulate and monitor the implementation of selective collection deployment projects. The wide communication campaign to win over the population’s participation in selective collection deserves attention.

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Meet the selective collection projects developed with Master Ambiental Consulting

  • Novo Sistema de Coleta e Separação do Lixo de Ibiporã – PR: “Solução ambiental para o lixo de uma cidade” (2009/2010)

ibipora-lixao-2ibiporã1 ibipora2

  • Selective collection of Mauá da Serra-PR: “Let’s separate, my people” (2011)

coleta-maua-1  coleta-maua coleta-maua-2

  • Selective collection of Ibaiti-PR: “your attitude makes the difference” (2012)

coleta-ibaiti-2     ibaiti-2      ibaiti-1