What our customers say

“Today is an essential for any construction company that wants to stand firm in the market. The question of PGRCC helps a lot, but it’s far from ideal. In the beginning, when we started the project, we thought we’d spend too much and would take a long time, but it is precisely the reverse. Over time the costs are diluted with the savings generated and the people adapted very easy to project. We don’t imagine how we could be without it”

“Master Ambiental is very dedicated, faces the difficulties along with NBC to give sequence in the projects, sometimes customers do not provide all necessary information (…) All the projects were very good, I always try to include Master to make the services with our customers.”

“That’s what we were looking for; I was very pleased with the attendance.”

“The company was very correct with the schedule. Saw love in their work, very thoughtful, explaining and guiding the best way to be doing the job. They gave several suggestions, were clear in the lectures, and addressed the subject with excellence. There was no problem”

“Very organized company, achieved sucesfuly all goals, nice planning structure”

“Is the result of team work in partnership with the Master Ambiental, without the Master’s support we would not have done any of this. Our focus is to work with thinking focused on sustainability. Awareness is the key to achieving the expected results “(About the Ingá Maringá vehicles have won the award for environmental sustainability Star Class Mercedes Benz Dealers network).”

“The great differential of Master Ambiental is the provision and transparency, with highly trained professionals available to help you”

“The partnership with the Master has facilitate fast investments in infrastructure with the quality required for meeting the environmental requirements on the licensing phase”

“Master Ambiental works with us for over a year and has been shown to be highly capable in developing environmental projects, using human and material resources to satisfy the expectations of Duke Energy and its Stakeholders”

“Excellent work. If I can, would give 110%”(About the project for implementation of environmental education in the Botanical Garden of Londrina).”

“Master Ambiental has given all the necessary support for the deployment. Has motivated us, showing the benefits, the advantages and the results that we could obtain with the Green Seal. ”

“Without the Master or weren’t going to be able to deploy and have the success we’ve had in nearly a year of functioning of our landfill.”

A Master nos trouxe um know-how, um conhecimento voltado para a estratégia dos nossos processos do ponto de vista de prevenção ambiental e educação ambiental.

“The Vectra considers Master Ambiental services very good. Master is working in partnership with us. With Master Ambiental consulting, Vectra is now able to achieve their goals.”

“We have a very good interface with your Master Ambiental professionals and directly to the company Directors, that are always available and at our necessity.”

“Master has been responsive and achieved the expectation; the term and the cost were adjusted properly to what we needed. Very cool!”

“We are very pleased; we love the customer service and the preparation of the study. I’ve always been well attended and had a quick response.”

“Faced with the necessity of the document (PGRS), we did an internet search and found Master Ambiental, who offered the best cost benefit. The fact that led us to hire this company was when we discovered that Master provided services to other units of Odebrecht. So we hired due to the value and quality. In the course of work was all right. Despite the necessary corrections, which are normal, the work was good, well mounted. Would certainty indicate Master Ambiental to other companies.”