Shopping Boulevard

Boulevard Londrina Mall

Shopping Boulevard

Located in Londrina east region, next to the transportation center, Master Ambiental has been responsible for the environmental licensing of the boulevard mall.

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ALLVET Industrial Chemistry


ALLVET develops its activities in research and development of products and services for agriculture and livestock in the areas of animal health and nutrition, crop nutrition and protection.

Master Ambiental is working on the necessary technical projects to the environmental licensing of a new industry.

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Água Bonita Distillery – Tarumã SP


Founded in 1919 in São Paulo, the Água Bonita Distillery is a company based in the production of ethanol, sugar and electrical energy. One of the Distillery principles refers to maintaining the company sustainability, which guarantees the productivity and waste reduction, as well as to strengthen the competitive ability.

Master Ambiental performed an environmental consultancy and LEED certification for the Distillery new headquarters in Tarumã – SP

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AESA is a company specialized in spare parts for cargo vehicles, with 60 years of experience and headquarters in Cambé – PR.

Master Ambiental worked on an environmental feasibility report with floristic survey.

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VECTRA LEED Certifications


The Vectra Construction works in the construction field and is headquartered in Londrina. Our environmental consulting team works in seven construction enterprises, being they:

  • Square Garden – LEED Certification, Environmental Licensing, PGRS, PGRCC;
  • Palhano Premium – LEED Certification, Environmental Licensing, PGRS, PGRCC;
  • Evolution Home – PGRCC;
  • Parc Guell – PGRCC;
  • Aruak – PGRCC, Environmental Liabilities;
  • Kensington Garden – PGRCC;

VECTRA LEED Certifications

Palhano Premiumconstrucao-sustentavel-palhano-3

Looking for the first LEED Certification for commercial buildings in Londrina, the Palhano Premium building, located on Glebe Palhano, a region of great appreciation, was designed to reduce by 30% water and energy consumption during operation hours.

The building, with 33 floors, features air conditioning and lighting efficient, native landscaping, waste separation and exclusive parking spaces for low emission vehicles.

The strategies used in the construction aimed to reconcile efficiency and indoor environmental quality, which results in conservation of natural resources, reducing pollution, saving operational costs and increasing employees’ productivity and life quality.

General information:

Enterprise: Palhano Premium

Type: Office Building

Total building area: 29.350,37 m2

Location: Glebe Palhano, Londrina – PR

Desired certification level: Certified


Palhano Square Gardenconstrucao-sustentavel-3The Palhano Square Garden business complex, locate on the highest point of the Ayrton Senna Avenue, promises to offer visitors a variety of products and services along with a variety of rooms on the tower and 45 stores.

The venture, with more than 30.000 m2 spread over 30 floors, was designed to have superior performance compared to traditional buildings, providing comfort and feel for users.

Aiming to reduce environmental impacts, the company looks to reduce water and energy consumption, use native vegetation in internal landscaping, usage of low volatile organic compounds concentration materials, waste separation and environmental education.

General information:

Enterprise: Palhano Square Garden

Type: Office building

Total building area: 30.242,53 m2

Location: Glebe Palhano, Londrina – PR

Desired certification level: Certified

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UTFPR – Federal Technologic University of Praná


The UTFPR is a University that covers several undergraduate, graduate and professional courses.

Master worked as environmental consultants to develop an environmental licensing for the campus.


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Unimed is a co-op that provides health plans and its present in most of the national territory.

Master had developed a large environmental consultancy, covering 10 Unimed’s units, providing health services waste management, solid waste management projects, environmental regulation and licenses for water use.

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Federal University of ABC – Santo André SP


The Federal University of ABC is a University located in Santo André – Sp. Master Ambiental held environmental consultancy for the Santo André campus expansion.

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The Tortuga is an Agrarian Zoo technical branch of animal husbandry, with nutrition products and animal health sales.

Master Ambiental developed an environmental consultancy in two business units: Union Farm and Caçadinha Farm.

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Telha Norte – Maringá


Telha Norte is a company in the business of construction and reform, integrated to the Saint-Gobain retailer network in Brazil.

Master Ambiental provided environmental consultancy, developing an impact study of the neighborhood

A history together

Telha Norte was the first company that Master Ambiental had the opportunity to develop a neighborhood impact study, in 2007. This same study was also the first to be reviewed by the city of Maringá.

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